To agree the public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 18 October 2023.
Under matters arising, the Chief People Officer and Executive Director of Human Resources gave an update on appraisals.
It was confirmed that the number of returned appraisals had increased considerably. Beyond that, progress had been made in respect to Senior Officer appraisals.
The Chief People Officer confirmed that appraisal meetings were largely taking place face-to-face. This was the recommended approach, where at all possible.
As a more general point, Members commented on the need for minutes to be shared with Members in good time (i.e. before the draft set was published within the pack for the following meeting). This was acknowledged by officers and Members were advised that steps were being taken to ensure that the Governance and Member Services Team had sufficient capacity to focus on core activities, such as minute production.
RESOLVED, that Members approve the public minutes and non-public summary of the meeting held on 18 October 2023.
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