The following items of urgent business were raised –
Health & Safety
Members were advised that a detailed Health & Safety Update would come forward to their January meeting. Members asked that Health & Safety feature as a standing item on future agendas.
Members were also provided an update on surveys undertaken for City Corporation properties with RAAC. Three properties had RAAC identified but these were all in good condition and would now be subject to regular review.
Brexit Readiness for the Port Health Service
Members heard from the Executive Director Environment.
The City of London is the Port Health Authority (LPHA) for the tidal Thames and is responsible for sanitary and phytosanitary checks on food and feed at Border Control Posts (BCPs). The area includes the ports of London Gateway, Tilbury 1 & 2, Purfleet, Thamesport and Sheerness.
On 29 August 2023 the UK Government published a new Border Target Operating Model (BTOM), setting out a new border regime Including a risk based approach to border controls for food, feed, plants, seeds and live animals.
Controls for imported food and feed will be aligned for Rest of World and EU imports and would be implemented in three stages:
31 January 2024 - Export Health Certificates introduced
30 April 2024 - Documentary physical and identity checks introduced.
31 October 2024 - Use of a UK Single Trade Window to assist the import process.
Members were advised that this change would require a significant increase in staffing early in the New Year, but that full implications and financing from Government was still being determined.
In response to this, Members agree to delegate authority to the Town Clerk in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of Corporate Services Committee, to consider proposals relating to a Brexit Readiness Resourcing Plan for the Port Health Service, if required before the next meeting (10 Jan 2024).
RESOLVED, that Members agree to delegate authority to the Town Clerk in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of Corporate Services Committee, to consider proposals relevant to the Committee, relating to a Brexit Readiness Resourcing Plan for the Port Health Service, if required before the next meeting (10 Jan 2024).