Agenda item

Project Procedure Revision

Report of the Chief Operating Officer.


Members received a report of the Chief Operating Officer concerning the revision of the Project Procedure.


The committee agreed that routine purchases should not be subject to a full project governance procedure, but that it was needed for such spends to still be appropriately governed, which officers explained should be strengthened through the unification of the project and procurement teams and the £100,000 threshold at which all procurements were processed through the procurement


team. The committee noted that the review of project governance had been prioritised over a review of the Corporation’s procurement arrangements.


In response to a question about institutional spends which would be funded by institutional income, officers confirmed that the same thresholds and governance of spends applied to all Corporation spends regardless of the source of funding to ensure consistency across the Corporation’s policies, but that the governance of the spending would vary depending on whether the spend was classified as a procurement activity or project.


RESOLVED, that Members:


1. Approve the Projects Procedure changes described in the report and shown in Appendices 1 and 2.


2. Note that a revised Projects Procedure will be forthcoming as part of the Project Governance Review Implementation.


3. Delegate authority to the Town Clerk in consultation with the Chairmen and Deputy Chairmen, to finalise the project procedure subject to any changes agreed at Committee.

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