Agenda item

Sundry Trusts Annual Report and Financial Statements 2022/23

Report of the City Bridge Foundation & Charities Finance Director (representing the Chamberlain).


Members received a report of the City Bridge Foundation and Charities Director (representing the Chamberlain)  concerning the Annual Reports and Financial Statements for the Sundry Trust Funds for 2022/23.


RESOLVED, that – Members:

a)    Note the contents of the audit management report issued by Crowe

b)    Note that the external auditor Crowe was anticipating giving an unqualified audit opinion for the 3 audited charity annual reports

c)    Note that the independent examiner Crowe was anticipating giving an unmodified report for the 4 independently examined charity annual reports

d)    Note for information the presentation of 4 annual reports which are not subject to either audit or independent examination

e)    Note that the Audit and Risk Management Committee had recommended approval of the Annual Reports and accordingly approve the Financial Statements of the charities for the year ended 31 March 2023, to be signed by the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Finance Committee on behalf of the Court of Common Council;

f)     Delegate to the Chamberlain, in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of Finance Committee, approval of any material changes to the statement of accounts required before the signing of the audit opinion by Crowe – which was expected by early December 2023


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