Agenda item

CIL and OSPR Capital Bids (Quarter 2 - 2023/24) & Capital Bids for 2024/25 Capital Programme

Joint Report of the Executive Director, Environment and the Chamberlain.


Members received a joint report of the Chamberlain and the Executive Director, Environment concerning the Community Infrastructure Levy, the On Street Parking Reserve and the 2024/25 Capital Programme.


The Chairman noted that this report did not quality for restriction, and so moved consideration into the public session.


Members noted that the Cyclical Works programme would be coming to the Committee’s December meeting for approval.


Several Members said that they felt the CIL processes and criteria were not always clear, and officers undertook to circulate guidance to all Members on the process.


RESOLVED, that – Members:

For projects bids considered under City CIL and OSPR funding:

a)  Review the project bids in line with the eligibility and prioritisation criteria as set out in Appendix 1.

b)  Note the forecast balances for City CIL and OSPR as detailed in paras 2.1 and 2.2 of the report, which incorporates the recommendations of the Priorities Board,

c)   Recommend to Policy and Resources, and for Policy and Resources Committee to approve, the allocation of City CIL and OSPR funding to the three revenue schemes (listed in section 3.1 and detailed in Appendix 2):

·    City Gardens Revenue Budget

·    Ground Penetrating Radar Survey (GPRS) for Infrastructure Strategy; and

·    Street Furniture ASB Protection Measures

For new capital bids for the financial year 2024/25:

a)  Approve the new capital bids submitted (listed in section 3.2 and detailed in appendix 2), amounts requested and purposes for which these are requested, including two schemes funded by CIL (Bid AB2 – City Cluster Programme) and OSPR monies (Bid AB1 – Car Parks Fire and Safety).

b)  Approve the recommendations of the Priorities Board in relation to three schemes of the fourteen Capital and SRP bids.  These are listed below with further detail found in paragraph 3.26.

  • Network Contract - Support and Refresh,
  • Corporate Device Stock Replacement
  • Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) Replacement

c)   To note new bids which require funding from City Bridge Foundation (CBF), will need to be considered as being in the best interests of the charity, noting the separate legal duties of the City Corporation as a Trustee.

d)  Note that the final decision for capital bids for inclusion in the 2024/25 draft budgets will be confirmed at the joint meeting of RASC and the Service Committee Chairmen and CBF Board in January 2024, with final approval in February /March by Finance Committee and the Court of Common Council

e)  Note the future funding requirements under section 7.


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