Agenda item

Mid-year update on the Monument: April - September 2023

To receive the report of the interim Executive Director, Environment.


The Committee noted the report of the Interim Executive Director of Environment.

Referencing paragraph 7 (days of opening), a Member asked for clarification on the process involved in deciding whether the Monument was open on certain days (taking into account the priority given to Tower Bridge as per paragraph 9 of the report) and asked how that information was communicated. The meeting heard that closures could be at short notice due to the small number of staff associated with the Monument, and that opening information was uploaded onto the website and on social media – noting also that further details on workforce resilience was expected to be submitted to the January meeting of the Committee.



Noting the historical significance of the Monument and its importance to London’s history, Members asked whether any plans existed to develop the offering and whether the Monument offering could be used to entice more Tower Bridge visitors into the City. The meeting heard that the cultural partners network established within the Destination City governance framework was to be used to map out a calendar taking into account each venue’s programme in such a way as to encourage footfall to other venues in the City as part of an umbrella package that could be promoted. Members also heard that a longer-term vision is being developed that is expected to be communicated to the Committee during 2024.     


A Member asked whether lunchtime closures were a result of staff shortages and whether lunchtime opening would result in more visitors. The meeting heard that, like Keats House (which also closes at lunchtime) the Monument is a small attraction and that there appears to be little to no impact on visitor numbers provided the opening times are easily available – and that lunchtime opening would be resource-intensive.  


In response to further clarification on short-notice closures and how that was communicated (and its impact on pre-booked tickets and school visits, for example) the meeting heard that Monument opening was prioritised when a school visit has been booked.


Noting the drop in visitor numbers during particular months, the meeting heard that visitor information was based on a single year’s data and that data across a further year would yield more meaningful figures.


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