Report of the Executive Director, Community and Children’s Services.
The Sub Committee received a report of the Executive Director, Community and Childrens Services in respect of the work of the Early Years Service over the last academic year; in response to the new guidance, and to meet the needs of our statutory school cohort by working together to improve school attendance.
During the discussion, the following points were noted:
1. That national average stands at 93.6, with the Aldgate School at 96.3 (target of 97), noting that attendance is generally lower in the Autumn term.
2. ‘Real time attendance’ is now used, which enables persistent absences to be identified quicker. There have been no penalty notices this year but 12 warnings were issued last year.
3. There have been no requests this year for home educating.
4. Following the Chadrack Case Review in 2016, non-attendance procedures were enhanced to ensure that welfare and safeguarding are at the forefront. Families experiencing difficulties are always offered referral to Early Help or City Advice.
RESOLVED, that – the report be noted.
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