Report of the Executive Director, Community and Children’s Services.
The Sub Committee received a report of the Independent Safeguarding Children Commissioner in respect of the Child Q update report – ‘Why was it Me?’, which was published in June 2023. Members noted that the report provided an evaluation of progress against the Review’s initial 14 recommendations and looks at the work undertaken on wider community issues with trust and confidence in the police, schools and anti-racism.
During the discussion, the following points were noted:
1. The 34% of negative feedback might be due to perception, as the quality of support offered by the COLC is exceptionally high. This is most likely to arise from expectations in respect of housing needs and specialist advice.
2. There had been a perception of the Team’s lack of diversity but it is very diverse across age, gender and ethnicity.
3. There are challenges to housing expectations amongst care leavers, in terms of market provision and their desires to remain with peer groups, but this is a high priority in the Care Leaver Covenant and Service Development Plan. Social workers try to keep young people with foster carers for as long as possible but they are likely to seek independence by their late teens.
4. Some improvement in the availability of smaller units/studio flats is expected over the next couple of years, as more units on Golden Lane become available. Care leavers are also at the top of bandings when bidding for accommodation.
5. The Chair suggested, and Members agreed, that consideration be given to providing City Corporation owned accommodation to care leavers, as a half way house, before they move into tenanted properties. There was a further suggestion for this to include disability and other care needs.
6. This is a local survey so there is no like for like comparison as such. However, there are ways of drawing high level comparisons from regulation and inspection data. A Member advised of organisations in the market place which can draw comparative data from different surveys.
RESOLVED, that – the report be noted.
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