Report of the Town Clerk.
Members received a report of the Town Clerk concerning outstanding actions of the Sub-Committee.
· 3/2022/P would be closed off following the meeting as a Party Conference Update report was an agenda item.
· 2/2023/P was still an outstanding action whilst the campaign was paused, not by the Sub-Committee but other committees responsible for the agreement. A report would be submitted to the Resource Allocations Sub-Committee and it was intended to provide a full report to the next meeting of the Communications and Corporate Affairs Sub-Committee. Officers had been asked to provide an update to the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee. Members requested an explanatory note be provided to Members of the Sub-Committee outlining the reasons the campaign was paused, how many occupiers had signed up to the pledge and whether empty buildings could be included.
· 5/2023/P would be closed off following the meeting as this was included within the Corporate Communications & External Affairs Update Report agenda item.
RESOLVED – that Members
1) Note the report; and
2) Be provided with an explanatory note on P/2023/P.
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