Agenda item


To award the annual Livery Cloth grant (£1,700).


The Committee considered the award of the Annual Livery Cloth grant – a sum of £1,700.


The Town Clerk reported that it was customary for the Committee to consider the awarding of the Livery Cloth Grant at their December meeting each year and that, traditionally, this had been awarded to Providence Row, a relatively small charity helping homeless and vulnerable people in the City. The charity’s recent Progress Review detailing how the Court of Aldermen’s past funding had been put to good use had been included within the agenda pack for all to read.


An Alderman reported that she had recently taken up the invitation extended to all to visit the charity and had been very impressed with the positive work being undertaken here. She added that they were still very keen to welcome other Aldermen to visit the premises. It had also been suggested that a small group may like to go and help prepare and serve lunch one day to gain first hand experience of their activities.


Several Aldermen spoke in favour of awarding the grant to Providence Row once again. The Chairman queried why the amount awarded had not been revised upwards in recent years. Others also stated that it would be helpful to have some background to the Livery Cloth Grant going forward. The Chamberlain undertook to look into these matters and report back to the Committee at a future meeting with details of all grants awarded by the Court of Aldermen.


RESOLVED: - That the annual Livery Cloth grant of £1,700 be awarded to Providence Row.

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