Agenda item

Report - General Purposes Committee of Aldermen


The Voluntary Hospital of St Bartholomew

The Court of Aldermen considered recommendations of its General Purposes Committee of Aldermen relative to a governance review undertaken by The Voluntary Hospital of St Bartholomew charity and noted that the Board of Governors of this charity were now pursuing a restructure to update the its constitution, governance and charitable purposes, and to address some governance complexities.


It was highlighted that the changes are intended to be made by a Charity Commission Scheme and will result in the establishment of a new charity with modern governance. As the changes affect the City Corporation’s historic connection to the charity, including its historic Trustee appointments rights, the charity is required by the Charity Commission to consult with the City Corporation to ensure that there are no objections to their proposals.


Resolved: - That the court of Aldermen:

(a)   endorse the proposed restructure, subject to the City Corporation being granted a right to nominate to the board of trustees of the new charity a suitably qualified Member of the Court of Common Council to serve as a trustee; and


(b)  delegated authority to the Town Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee and the Chairman of the General Purposes Committee of Aldermen, to take any further actions or decisions necessary to implement the decision.