Agenda item

Fire Safety Update


Report of the Executive Director, Community and Children’s Services.



The Sub Committee received a report of the Executive Director, Community and Children’s Services providing an update on fire safety.


During discussion, the following points were noted:


  • Regarding fire doors, lot 1 and lot 2 had been completed, with a fire door inspection programme expected to take place imminently. Work on lot 3 was underway and had made progress. Initial planning advice was needed for lot 4 and lot 5. A suited key system had been implemented for all risers and plant rooms that would allow one key access across all of the Corporation’s estates. A gateway report was due to be produced in 2024 for the replacement of emergency lighting.


·         In respect to the installation of sprinkler systems, the project at Avonsdale Estate for the three-point blocks was expected to be completed before Christmas 2023. However, a petition had been raised since installation had received significant resistance from residents at Petticoat Tower. At the time of this meeting, 15 out of 88 residents had engaged with the contractor in terms of allowing access into their residences. Officers highlighted that any further delay to this project would incur prolongation cost of approximately £50,000 per month in terms of costs. A Member asked how officers planned to prevent a stand-off between residents and the City of London Corporation. Officers replied that an ongoing engagement drop-in session for both tenants and leaseholders was expected to take place in the following week, and that engagement and communication activities had been occurring regularly for the past three years. However, the petition was a recent development, and officers hoped that these sessions would reduce the level of resistance. The Chair asked why residents were objecting to the sprinkler installations. In reply, officers responded said that residents were concerned by the cosmetic appearance of the installations, and also the risk of accidental operation (e.g. flooding of flats). Attempts were underway to improve the appearance, and statistics were being provided to reassure residents that it would be unlikely for the systems to be activated by accident. The Chair asked officers if the City Corporation would be responsible in the event of a system failure. Officers undertook to clarify the Corporation’s liability for a systems failure but confirmed that residents or leaseholders would not be liable. There would be additional maintenance requirements which would incur additional cost onto residents, and officers undertook to investigate this further. The Chair advised officers to proceed with installations of those residents who were content and to offer other residents the opportunity to meet individually regarding their concerns. She asked for a progress update at the next meeting of the sub-committee.


·         A Member asked if the value of a flat would increase if a sprinkler system had been installed. In reply, officers felt that this was likely and it may have an impact on home insurance costs.


RESOLVED, that -Members agreed, in principle, to the proposal to set up the Housing Committee Working Party. The terms of reference for this working party to be brought to the sub-committee at its next meeting.

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