Agenda item

Tenant Satisfaction Survey


Report of the Executive Director, Community and Children’s Services.




The Sub Committee received a report of the Executive Director, Community and Children’s Services, providing an update on the planned survey of the City Corporation’s tenants.


·         A Member informed officers of a tenant who had not received a call back and discussion was had as to how these surveys were conducted. The Member asked officers to be professional in their approach when conducting surveys. Officers noted these comments and offered to contact the tenant who didn’t receive a call back.


·         The Chair asked officers if the target of 320 completed surveys with social tenants was a significant amount, to which officers responded by saying that this figure complied with guidance given by the regulator of social housing. The Chair acknowledged that officers had met the requirement but encouraged officers to identify a way to increase the number of completed surveys to above 320 since this number seemed insignificant compared to the number of tenants that resided on the City of London Corporation estates. Officers undertook to explore how they could increase the number of completed surveys.


·         A Member asked officers if a report regarding the first Tenant Perception Survey under the new Tenant Satisfaction Measures regime would be provided to the committee before April 2024. In reply, officers said that they expected to provide the report at the next meeting.


RESOLVED, that - the report be received and its contents noted.

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