Report of the Healthwatch, City of London.
The Board received a report from Healthwatch, City of London, to consider a progress update.
The Board heard from the Healthwatch representative who provided a summary of the progress update. This included updates regarding Healthwatch’s Annual Group Meeting; appointments; overprescribing issues; Covid-19 vaccination rollout; patient panels; digital apps; and reviews at the primary care practices.
A Member queried the maximum patient list number for the Goodman’s Field Medical Centre. The response was that the area covered more than one surgery so there would be more than one practice list. The maximum number would be checked and provided. The Board later heard that work had been undertaken in previous years for the Goodman’s Field Medical Centre catchment area, and practice partners had indicated that it had not wanted to change the catchment area. This would be followed up.
The Board discussed the Neaman Practice, and views on the location and condition of the space. The Board heard that the practice’s current lease had not yet ended, and the responsibility for providing and funding the practice space was that of the Integrated Care Board (ICB). The practice hopes to expand in future but subject to the ICB supporting that. The Board heard that its views had been articulated on long-term estates strategy for primary care. It was suggested that an update on the primary care strategy could be requested to be presented at the future meeting. This update could include plans from commissioners on models for their primary care plans, including linking to population flow and changes to primary care.
The Board heard that issues relating to communications on neurodiversity were being dealt with by the Town Clerk and Executive Director of Community and Children's Services.
The Board also discussed podiatry and footcare, and that Healthwatch had been discussing with AgeUK on matters such as toenail clipping services. The Board heard that there needed to be a broader look at foot healthcare. The Board also heard that options had been suggested for mainstream funding, but foot healthcare had been reduced to care for specific foot health conditions.
RESOLVED – That the report be received and its contents noted.
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