Report of the Chief Funding Director
The Committee considered a report of the Chief Funding Director setting out the journey of the LocalMotion programme so far and presenting a request to recommend an additional funding allocation of £5m for the 2024-2031 phase of delivery to the CBF Board, plus ‘in principle’ approval for CBF to host up to four members of the LocalMotion central team, pending legal work. The Chief Funding Director introduced the report, outlining the LocalMotion programme and its aims before providing an update on recent work on the programme. The Chief Funding Director then praised and gave thanks to the volunteers attached to the programme, before inviting William Hoyle to address the Committee.
William Hoyle then reflected on the programme so far, commenting that the process had been complicated and difficult, but had gradually become clearer over time, with momentum particularly building after the return of in-person meetings following Covid-19 restrictions. The programme had built a growing sense of potential for reinvention and place renewal and had demonstrated what could be achieved with the collective power of community, as well as a platform for sustainable long-term change. William Hoyle added that meaningful relationships across the programme were driving the potential for transformational change and that he was hopeful and optimistic about the next phase of the programme.
The Chair then gave thanks to William Hoyle for his contributions to LocalMotion on behalf of CBF, adding that he had joined the place visit in Enfield, which had demonstrated the fantastic collaboration on the programme and importance of listening to the organisations involved, before inviting comments from Members.
In response to a question from a Member, the Chief Funding Director confirmed that the £5m funding over 8 years represented CBF’s contribution to the programme, with the remainder of the £24m total funding for the programme to be split between the remaining partner funders.
A Member commented that the £5m allocation would need to be applied effectively, and queried whether learning from the programme could be used to connect current and facilitate further funding in Enfield and CBF’s other funding programmes. The Chief Funding Director responded that hosting LocalMotion personnel would be a great opportunity for CBF and would be useful in this regard, adding that Enfield had been a funding ‘cold spot’ historically, and it was hoped the LocalMotion programme would leverage further funding for the area.
In response to a question from a Member, the Chief Funding Director advised that there had been variable engagement from the local authority in Enfield, but hoped there would be further opportunities for involvement, with positive presence and commitment having developed during the programme so far.
The Chair then thanked all those involved in the programme for their hard work to this point before drawing Members’ attention to the recommendations, which were agreed.
RESOLVED – That the City Bridge Foundation Board (CBF), in the discharge of functions for the City Corporation as Trustee of City Bridge Foundation and solely in the charity’s best interests:
i) Note the contents of the report;
ii) Endorse to the City Bridge Foundation Board the recommendation to award £5m funding in support of the delivery of LocalMotion; and
iii) Agree to further explore the potential and give in principle approval for CBF to host up to four members of the LocalMotion central team for the next four years between April 2024-March 2028.
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