Agenda item

Members' Declarations under the Code of Conduct in respect of Items on the Agenda


The Assistant Town Clerk provided clarity in respect of the residential and non-residential status of Barbican Residential Committee Members, noting that some of the Members representing the Wards of Aldersgate and Cripplegate might not actually live on the Barbican Estate.  These Members are appointed by the Ward Deputies to represent the Wards’ interests, whereas ‘non-resident’ Members are appointed by the Court of Common Council.


The Assistant Town Clerk and City Solicitor then provided an update on the recent repeal of S.618 of the Housing Act 1985.   Members noted that, in practice, this would bring Barbican Residential Committee Members back to the same position as all Court Members serving on other Committees; ie - in terms of applying for dispensations to speak and vote where a pecuniary interest may be engaged.  The Comptroller & City Solicitor stressed that this would not provide Members with any additional powers.   It was confirmed that, when a dispensation to speak has been granted, Members were able to note how they might have voted,


The Assistant Town Clerk stressed the importance of seeking advice on dispensations as early as possible, noting that all Committee agendas are published five clear working days ahead of the meetings and that exceptional circumstances would be considered on a case by case basis.  Members noted that, as this is a very recent development, guidance had been issued to all Members, which would shortly be updated online.  Changes to the guidance had been instructed with immediate effect by the Comptroller & City Solicitor.


Members were then invited to declare their interests and Members Helen Fentimen and Steve Goodman, who are residents of the Barbican Estate, advised that they had dispensations to speak on general housing matters.