Report of the Chief People Officer and Executive Director of HR.
Members considered a report of the Chief People Officer and Executive Director of Human Resources concerning the ongoing Ambition 24: My Contribution, My Reward programme.
Clarification was sought on the report having been marked ‘for discussion’. Whist the Committee had authorised the Town Clerk to progress with the work, the continued feedback from Members was considered essential to inform the process.
There was debate on the relevance of workplace attendance and how this should be a consideration within the ‘My Contribution’ tranche of work.
Clarification was provided over why certain institutions could not to be included within the programme, such as those informed by nationally-agreed scales.
There was debate over the adoption of Market Forces Supplements (MFS). Some Members wished to see the introduction of a pay scale that irradicated the need for them; however, others felt that, whilst it was essential that the number of MFS reduced, it would not be possible to get rid of them entirely. This led into discussions on the City Corporation’s responsibilities as a Local Authority, but also as a private organisation and charity and how the new arrangements should respond to the different requirements that each of those sectors require.
The consultants would be presenting options for Ambition 25, including the associated financial implications, in the spring. Once the programme had been delivered, the Reward Policy should be considered annually. This would help pick up the challenges surrounding recruitment and retention.
Officers confirmed that the work to date was within budget but that a separate budget would need to be identified to facilitate a piece of work centring on values and behaviours.
Members and Officers shared concern over the perception that Ambition 25 was a second iteration of the recent Target Operating Model (TOM) changes. Communication to staff was essential to dispel any misconception.
In terms of management responsibilities, it was not considered desirable for the Town Clerk and Chief Executive to continue to directly manage such a large number (17) Chief Officers.
There was a brief discussion on the value of the Local Government Pension Scheme and whether the City Corporation could be more radical in the options it provided its staff.
In response to the discussion on workplace attendance, it was proposed that an amendment be made to the recommendations, seeking that the Terms of Reference for Ambition 25 be reviewed and amended, if required, to ensure that when and where people work is featured within the ‘My Contribution’.
In response the Chief People Officer agreed that the terms of reference centred on ‘My Reward’ and that the ‘My Contribution’ aspect was not sufficiently set out. It was suggested that in place of the proposed amendment, that Officers go away and draft revised terms of reference for the ‘My Contribution’ aspect of Ambition 25.
RESOLVED, that Members-
1. Request revised terms of reference for the ‘My Contribution’ aspect of Ambition 25.
2. Note the report.
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