Agenda item


To agree the public minutes of the meeting of 20 November 2023.


On item 8 (The Monument), a Member asked for an update on the Monument. The meeting heard that officers are continuing to progress positive discussions regarding the future governance and day-to-day operational management of the Monument, with a recommendation on the permanent governance and operational arrangements to be finalised following the conclusion of the Paul Martin review of Destination City and this Committee’s decision in relation to those findings. In the meantime, the Monument will continue to welcome visitors as normal (see action point 10).


RESOLVED, That the public minutes of the meeting of 20 November 2023 be approved as an accurate record of the proceedings, subject to the insertion of the phrase “be involved with” in lieu of “would be signalled” in reference to the appointment of Publica Associates and TJ Culture Ltd (item 12).  


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