Agenda item

Revenue and Capital Budgets 2024/25

Report of The Chamberlain and the Interim Executive Director Environment.


The Committee received a report of The Chamberlain and the Interim Executive Director Environment regarding the revenue and capital budgets for the Planning & Transportation Committee for 2024/25.


A Member requested clarification on the unallocated savings. An Officer stated that the unidentified savings were a result of previous savings exercises held corporately for fundamental review and as part of the Target Operating Model savings of 12%. In Appendix three, there was a category entitled “savings to be applied”. Originally there was a target of £1,728,000. This was mainly identified with generating additional income which was identified in the report and some various expenditure efficiencies. This was now £110,000 and the Interim Executive Director had further plans to reduce this to a balanced budget throughout 2024/2025. The Member also enquired about the proposed staffing numbers particularly the highways and structural inspections number of staff, which was decreasing. The Officer stated that the numbers were derived from discussions with the service directors. It was considered that the required service could be delivered with the proposed staffing numbers.


A Member asked whether income could be raised from the dockless bike schemes. An Officer stated that income from the e-scooter trial was included. This was a regular payment. There would be income from the dockless operators contributing to new bays and research and this would be included once received.


RESOLVED - That Members of the Committee

1.       review and approve the proposed revenue budget for 2024/25 for submission to

          the Finance Committee;

2.       review and approve the proposed capital budgets for 2024/25 for submission to

          the Finance Committee;

3.       agree that amendments for 2023/24 and 2024/25 budgets arising from changes

          to recharges or any further implications arising from subsequently approved

          savings proposals, changes to the Cyclical Works Programme, or changes to

          the resource envelope be delegated to the Chamberlain in consultation with the

          Interim Executive Director Environment.




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