Agenda item

Housing Governance Arrangements


Report of the Executive Director, Community and Children’s Services.


The Sub-Committee received a report which considered the current governance arrangements and recommends how these arrangements should be provided in the future.


The Assistant Town Clerk advised the committee that the report had already been considered by the Community and Children’s Services Committee, the Barbican Residents Committee and the Barbican Estate Residents Consultative Committee. The Assistant Town Clerk advised Members that the decision sought by this Committee was whether it had any feedback to the recommendations listed in the report that it would like to make to the Community and Children’s Services Committee.


The Chair asked if more clarity could be given on the annual workplan and was keen to know when an update would be given to the Sub-Committee to which officers confirmed that this would be provided at the next meeting.


A member raised a concern, which had previously been raised at the Community and Children’s Services Committee meeting held on 25 January 2023, that it was of their opinion that the Chair of the Community and Children’s Services Committee should not be Chair of the Housing Management and Almshouses Sub-Committee. The creation of a wider management team and a demanding workload were highlighted as factors for their concern.


RESOLVED, that - Members agreed, to the recommendations listed in the report.

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