Agenda item

Managed Print Service Procurement

Report of the Chamberlain.


The Sub-Committee considered a report from the Chamberlain, regarding the managed print service procurement.


Members were assured that the contract would be flexible and could be scaled down as well as up.


Officers advised that soft market testing had been undertaken in October 2023 as it had been seven years since this service had been procured. During this process, suppliers had advised that there had not been significant innovation in that time, so a similar provision would be recommended. Current arrangements were costed on a ‘per click’ basis. Members asked what that cost was, and officers committed to providing this information after the meeting. Currently there was no fee for the leasing, this was all factored into the price module.


Proposals included the larger printing units used by the in-house print service team.



RESOLVED, that Members:-


1.     Approve the recommended Procurement Strategy to undertake a Find a Tender Service Open Procedure, compliant to the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, and the City of London Procurement Code, Rule 16, Contracts Letting;


2.     Approve the proposed seven years contract duration, comprising five years initial contract term, with the option to extend by up to a further two years, therefore, at a total contract value of £3.5M.

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