Agenda item

Update on virtual wards

To view the presentation of the Programme Lead – Unplanned Care, City and Hackney NHS North East London.


The Committee viewed a presentation delivered by the Programme Lead – Unplanned Care, City and Hackney NHS North East London setting out updates on virtual wards, noting in particular the following:


-       NHS national priorities and operational planning guidance;

-       delivery of virtual wards now sits with Place teams, with the NEL Urgent and Emergency Care Programme providing overall system oversight;

-       finance allocations for 2023/24;

-       virtual ward referral pathways;

-       impacts and benefits of virtual wards; and

-       next steps.


On sharing best practice and learning, a Member asked for further information on sharing digital tools. The meeting heard that best practices were shared across NEL and that a range of practice communities shared best practice including digital technology tools.


On funding from NHS England, a Member commented that while in theory funding could be diverted from hospital bed use, expansion was such that escalation beds were being used and that hospital wards were not necessarily being shut. Consideration was being given on how more could be done within the community through virtual wards, and that provided appropriate technology was being used virtual wards would be more affordable per bed in the longer term.


On the three categories of patients, a Member commented that most patients would have multiple conditions and asked how these were prioritised and whether co-morbidities might preclude the virtual ward setting. The meeting heard that patients who benefited the most from virtual wards tended to have complex conditions, and would be handled by a lead consultant in the same way as would such a patient in a hospital environment. The meeting also heard that all cases were assessed for suitability to virtual wards.


A Member asked why virtual ward provision had taken so long to roll out given that the technological tools have been available for nearly two decades. The meeting heard that virtual ward provision has been taking place for some time, and has accelerated since covid with patients becoming more comfortable with the experience over time.


A Member asked how early adopters were finding the virtual ward experience and whether there was any data on patient outcomes. The meeting heard that outcome effectiveness was difficult to measure – noting Member comments that virtual ward provision could not be measured solely in terms of cost effectiveness and must result in better patient care overall.


A Member commented that given the compactness of the City of London it was noted that nurses would not have to travel far to manage virtual wards.