Agenda item

Housing Major Works Programme - Progress Report


Report of the Executive Director, Community and Children’s Services.



The Sub-Committee received a report of the Executive Director, Community and Children’s Services providing an update on the Housing Major Works Programme.


During the discussion and questions, the following points were noted:


  • Work on wider windows had been continuing and consultation on William Blake Estate had begun. Officers were exploring all possible technologies available including vacuum glazing.


  • There had been advancements on Golden Lane Estate and a pilot project had been ongoing at Crescent House. Feedback regarding this project had exceeded officers’ expectations, as the pilot project had received positive reviews, and officers confirmed that vacuum glazing had helped to improve thermal comfort inside the property due to the creation of effective insulation. Officers informed the committee that an architect had been living in the property to ensure that the property is properly tested to its full potential; the architect had been monitoring heating costs and testing the creation of moisture and humidity within the property. Officers also met with residents in the week prior to demonstrate how the ventilation system works.


  • Officers referred to the appendices of this report, explaining the data presented and asked Members for feedback in terms of how to better present this information.  An update on Avondale Estate was provided and majority of works there had been completed however there were certain clashes with other programmes (Cadent replacing the Gas Infrastructure) whilst also managing several contractors on site which consequently caused a temporary pause on certain works due to be carried out. Officers advised that the estimated costs listed in the appendices were unfunded and that a quantitative surveyor had been tasked with revising these costs to ensure that they were current to modern day values and to ensure any inflation had been applied. A member acknowledged that that a good number of works had been completed under budget however was concerned as to why costs were not predicted closer to outcome. It was suggested that the estimated costs of £110 Million had not been met and as a result the Member suggested that the underspend could be used for unfunded projects. Whilst officers were optimistic that this could be a possibility, they informed Members that this was dependant on the costs of a project as these tended to vary, however officers confirmed that they strived to come under budget where possible.


  • The Deputy Chair asked if officers could arrange for a separate session for Members regarding the Housing Revenue Account where there could be a discussion regarding concerns raised. The Chair confirmed that an informal session with both Members of Community and Children’s Services Committee and this Sub-Committee shall be arranged once the relevant reports had been commissioned. The Chair thanked officers for their work and acknowledged that completing a project whilst under spending was great achievement compared to previous projects.


  • Regarding communal heating installation on Middlesex Street Estate, a member was pleased to see that the installations within Petticoat Tower had been completed, barring five properties, and asked officers for an update regarding these five properties. Officers advised Members that they were progressing well with the remainder of the properties left and were gaining access to these properties via the appropriate channels.


  • A Member asked for an update regarding the replacements of windows at Windsor House and asked if officers were able to accelerate the process. Officers confirmed that they would investigate further and return to committee with an update.


RESOLVED, that - the report be received and its contents noted.

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