Agenda item

Reducing Neighbourhood Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy Implementation

Report of the Executive Director of Community and Children’s Services.



A Progress and Delivery ASB report had been included in the papers for information. 


IH explained that the ASB Delivery Group had been a success and had brought together several teams (Police Authority Board, Community Safety Team, Environment Team, CoL Police) in tactical coordination.


IH explained that there was a detailed action plan within the report, as well information around improved communications, case reviews, cluster panels and cycle teams.


The ASB working group were looking into the adoption of CSAS powers. A paper on CSAS Powers had gone through the committee cycle and would allow for CoLC Contractors (currently Parkguard) to take more of an active role in dealing with ASB in partnership with the Police.


IH said that they had been able to secure additional funding for the cleansing service to ensure better staffing in terms of dealing with the aftermath of some ASB issues.


The environment team were able to permanently introduce “Urilifts” over the Christmas period.


IH said that Operation Reframe had been successful in terms of raising awareness and delivering real benefits on the ground.


Members had given some comments on the ASB Policy draft, and additional work needed to be done. This would be discussed further under VC’s AOB item.


IH explained that they were looking to broaden some of the data they had received from the police and embed it within the work of the ASB sub-group, to allow support for tactical engagement and operation on the ground.


A question was raised regarding the difference between ASB and inconsiderate behaviour. IH explained that this was something that needed to be explored in more detail through the ASB policy.


GS raised a question regarding ASB actions 5 and 8 (page 3, appendix 1). He asked whether they would be carried over into the next year. IH explained that the papers (including actions) were written prior to resource allocation so some items could not be marked as completed at the time, as members had not yet decided.


IH said he had a meeting scheduled to discuss the Joint Command and Control Room with the CoL Police.


IH said that at a tactical level, issues were being addressed as they arose. One of the focus points was around data analysis. Data would be valuable in supporting those making operational decisions to focus the resources they had. One of the focuses in the coming year would be to properly utilise existing data.


SD reassured that whilst ASB remained low, the CoLP would continue to engage with the community to make sure the low statistics were not due to under-reporting.


OUTCOME: Update noted.

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