Agenda item

*Late Night Levy - 12 Month Report (1 Oct 2022 - 30 Sep 2023)

Report of the Interim Executive Director Environment.


The Committee received a report of the Executive Director (Interim) Environment, relating to the late-night levy, looking at the ninth year of operation and details the number of premises paying the levy, the income collected and how that money has been spent to date.


The Chairman wanted to update Members on further reports coming to the Committee relating to this levy later in the year. Particularly so that Members could understand what the rules were around the maximum that could be charged as well as further information on discounts, like the safety-first scheme, and how the funds will be spent.


A Member wanted clarification regarding the backlog of invoicing in 2022. It was noted that a moratorium on chasing invoices was put in place as a result of decisions on how to support businesses coming out of the pandemic, therefore it was not the case these were not sent, but rather they were not being actively chased. Members noted that the levy had shown that it balanced the pressures the City had from the impact on stakeholders, cleansing issues, police resources which were crucial to keeping the City safe, which had been a success. Members highlighted the importance of not having a buffer in the fund and ensuring that there was carry over to ensure continuity. Another Member also noted that the fund was not a damper on late night licensing and given that premises who operated after midnight contributed to overall impact on crime and rubbish, it was felt that the three should be a principle of polluter pays and that the amount that was charged was proportionate and not deterring business.


The Deputy Chairman added that the dispensation was there to encourage good behaviour, and that officers were being asked if there were any further activities or dispensations that could be used to improve behaviour or similar.


A Member raised that the report did not present the police share, and given that this Committee raised the levy, they should have an updated report to reflect this. The Member also raised issues concerning altering the levy itself, and the amount that could be discounted, to which the Chairman advised this would be further looked into at another meeting.


RESOLVED – That Members note the report.


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