Report of the Interim Executive Director Environment.
The Committee received a report of the Executive Director (Interim) Environment which provided additional detail on the work being carried out to investigate whether there may be potential to identify or map streets, spaces or areas of the City that could be suitable for markets, activations, later licensing hours or more licensed premises as a tool for potential investors to the City.
Members highlighted that the real barrier was down to the website as this did not have up-to-date information or was easily accessible as pages could not be easily found. The website did not show any license premises, and if this was then shown with others such as hotels or pavement licenses the map was unintelligible. Members appreciated having this all-in-one place for ease but added that this should not replace the applicants need to do their own due diligence when submitting an application. The Committee heard that the team were aware that the live feed from the new software was not working on city maps. The City Mapping team were working in the background to fix this problem and were hoping to have this working again shortly. Members asked that to include budget resource implications (as this needed to be constantly updated) and to include accessible venues in the next report to the Committee.
RESOLVED – That Members note the report.
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