Agenda item

Report: General Purposes Committee of Aldermen


The operation of the 6-year convention for Aldermen

Recommendations of the General Purposes Committee concerning the operation of the convention that Aldermen should retire after no more than six years in office, together with recommendations around other Aldermanic conventions which had not been reviewed for many years were put to the Court of Aldermen. This included a recommendation that this Six Year Convention be consolidated with other conventions, agreed in 2003, in a single document.


Recommendations were therefore put on the following terms:


1)That any reference to the Magistracy within the Aldermanic conventions clarify that this is only where applicable;


2) That all on the Court of Aldermen undertake to tender their resignation as an Alderman/woman and to seek re-election or retire as the case may be no later than midnight on the sixth anniversary of their election;


3)That the General Purposes Committee of the Court of Aldermen may, on the written application of the Alderman/woman concerned extend the last day for the tendering of their resignation under The Six Year Convention by a period of up to six months where it considers that it is reasonable to do so in all the circumstances;


4) That these amendments be incorporated into a reformatted document containing the other existing Aldermanic conventions.


Resolved – That the recommendations be agreed to.