Town Clerk to be heard.
Working with colleagues in Electoral Services, key dates would be made available to all candidates. Successful candidates will then be notified in good time of the dates of various receptions with the Chief Commoner, Policy and Resources Chairman and Town Clerk. Housekeeping, essentials (business cards etc) and equipment would be made available on launch day of the induction/refresher programme.
The current documentation, e-handbook and flyers, will require some update (for example, the new Corporate Plan). Officers are conscious not to overwhelm newly elected Members, therefore information would be phased to allow time for reading and digestion. The considerable amount of information would be kept relevant, and to a minimum. Our existing Members (elected in 2022) will have a significant part to play in the modification and delivery of this Induction Plan, as their experience and comments of their own first three months at the City Corporation, would be a valuable source of information. Some content can be emailed to allow for Members to consider at their leisure, coupled with recordings of sessions. Each Member will have available to them, a hard copy of the ehandbook at their adjourned Wardmote (i.e. when the results are announced).
At 12.10pm, the Chair left the meeting, the Chief Commoner Elect was in the Chair for the remainder of the meeting.
The composition of the Sub-Committee is one that benefits from a varied range of experience and time served on the Court. Members elected in 2022 shared their experiences with the Sub-Committee. It was felt that a Freshers’ Fair style “meet the officers” event would provide an opportunity to meet key staff groups with their department, imparting essential information and an explanation of where they sit within the City Corporation landscape, supported by a “cheat sheet” with specific areas of responsibility, giving direction and assistance to Members, this would act as a first post of call for future resolutions to ward related matters. The Governance and Member Services Team were looking to provide one-to-one sessions for Members with accessibility needs, to explore any reasonable adjustments that could be made that would assist the Member with the discharging of their duties.
There was recognition that external members and Co-optees would require an alternative level of support and would not feature in this aspect of the programme.
The management of recognised constraints around timings, resources and budgetary concerns were also highlighted.
Supporting documents: