Agenda item

Draft High-Level Business Plan 2024/25 - Corporate Communications and External Affairs

Report of the Executive Director of Corporate Communications and External Affairs


The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Corporate Communications and External Affairs outlining the high-level business plan for the Corporate Communications and External Affairs Department for 2024-2025.


In the discussion the following points were made:


·       The department was in a period of transition and this was a high-level plan. There would be more measured outcomes reported in future plans.

·       A Member commented that it would be helpful to have some indicative targets included when the report was submitted to the Policy and Resources Committee.

·       Following a Member’s query, Officers advised of the process for approving the sport investment options appraisal that stemmed from the launch of the new Sport Strategy for the Square Mile. Given the significant costs involved this would need to go to the Resources Allocation Sub-Committee Away Day in July before proceeding to relevant committees in September. A Member expressed concern at the timetable and advised that issues at Golden Lane Leisure Centre needed to be resolved more expediently. The Chairman agreed to take the matter offline and consider whether a decision on this could be expedited.


RESOVED, that the report be noted.






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