Agenda item

Enhanced Political and Strategic Engagement

Report of the Executive Director of Corporate Communications and External Affairs


The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Executive Director of Corporate Communications and External Affairs which set out the City Corporation’s proposals to significantly increase strategic planning and engagement with key partners and stakeholders in 2024/2025 due to the certainty of a General Election taking place before January 2025.


In the discussion the following points were made:

·       This was a critical year for engaging with politicians across the spectrum and work was taking place with all parties.

·       Some funds associated with party conferences had already been committed e.g. hotel rooms. If a general election took place during the party conference time and the party conferences did not take place as currently planned, a clause would be sought to deliver interventions during the calendar year.

·       A Member asked if Members could be kept up to date on the US election from a neutral perspective as this affected confidence in the market in the City. An Officer stated that all elections were being monitored and Members requested that intelligence be shared with Members of the Sub-Committee. A Member suggested that a virtual round table could also be arranged for Members and stakeholders.

·       A Member asked for clarification on the oversight for international offices and an Officer stated that a written response would be provided.


RESOLVED, that Members


1.        Endorse the City Corporation’s engagement approach as outlined in the Officer report;

2.        Request Officers share intelligence on the US Election with the Sub-Committee; and

3.        Request Officers arrange a virtual round table on the US Election with Members and stakeholders.

Supporting documents: