Agenda item

Risk Management Update

Report of the Chief Strategy Officer.


Members received a report of the Chief Strategy Officer providing an update on risk management.


Officers in the Innovation & Growth Department provided a verbal update on CR30 Climate Action.


The Chief Strategy Officer provided Members with an update on actions following the fire incident at the Central Criminal Court.


RESOLVED, that – Members note:

·         This report and the corporate and top red departmental risk registers attached. Since the previous update:

o   The total number of corporate risks has reduced to 14. CR17 Safeguarding has been removed from the Corporate Risk Register (with Chief Officers ensuring safeguarding risks are appropriately captured, mitigated and overseen at a local level).

o   The likelihood of CR36 Protective Security and CR39 Recruitment and Retention has been reduced so both now have a rating of Amber 12.

o   The number of departmental red risks has decreased from 21 to 18. Three risks have been added to the register and six risks have been removed (two deactivated and four de-escalated). A summary of the top red departmental risks is at Appendix 3.

·         The briefing note on the work of the Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) Working Group.

·         The continuing work on the Risk Appetite Review and the updating of the Risk Management Policy – both of which are due to be reported back to the Committee at their next meeting (May).

·         The verbal update on CR30 Climate Action given by officers from Innovation & Growth, as requested by Members at the November 2023 Committee meeting.


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