Agenda item


To agree the public minutes and non-public summary of the meeting held on 9 January 2024.


The Committee received the public minutes and non-public summary of the previous meeting, held on 9 January 2024, for approval.


RESOLVED – That the public minutes and non-public summary of the previous meeting, held on 9 January 2024, be approved as a correct record.


The Committee discussed the following matters arising from the minutes, as follows:


Nicotine Inhaling Products (Vapes)

The Committee heard that officers were visiting the premises which sold nicotine inhaling products (vapes), in order to ensure they were aware of their duties for proper disposal.


City of London Police Horses

The Committee heard that the issue of horses leaving waste on the streets had been raised with the Commissioner.


Wooden Planters on London Bridge

The Committee heard that some of the planters on London Bridge were owned by the City Corporation, and the remainder were owned by Transport for London (TfL). Funding was being sought to fix or replace the planters owned by the City Corporation, and there was work with the third party for funding to fix the planters owned by TfL.


Dog Fouling and Bins

The Committee heard that the Natural Environment Board had approved a City Gardens Keeper. It was raised that there were no bins for dog waste within the City of London area, or signs on fines for littering. The Committee heard that £90k of fines were issued in the last year, which covered all types of littering. Historically, there were no dog waste bins as there had been few dogs in the City of London area. Bins had to be placed strategically around the City, and having separate dog waste bins would have to be considered further following the review of the recently-approved street cleansing resources.


The Committee requested that standard wording be circulated that could be provided to residents on the actions taken on street cleansing resources, and how residents could feed into the review process in the future.

Supporting documents: