The Committee noted that a question had been submitted to the Court of Common Council concerning recognising the anniversary of the Royal National Lifeboat Institute (RNLI). Due to time constraints, the response had been received to the Member in writing. The Member in question raised whether the City Corporation could recognise the work of the RNLI on the Thames. It was noted that concerns had previously been raised with the RNLI’s connection to slavery. It was agreed that a representation be made to the Civic Affairs Sub-Committee, and the Members comments would be passed onto the relevant officers. It was noted that safety on the Thames sits with the Port of London Authority. A response would be provided separately on the commemoration of the Marchioness disaster.
A question was raised on demographic data provided under Agenda Item 5. The data could not be broken down further as there was a risk of individuals being identified. The data could be linked to the Social Mobility Strategy in future reports.