Agenda item

Re-introduction of Street Cleansing Resources - Verbal Update

Interim Executive Director for Environment to be heard.


The Committee received a verbal update of the Interim Executive Director for Environment concerning an update on the Street Cleansing Resources.


The Committee noted that a report would be received at its meeting in September 2024, which would concern the impact of the additional resources agreed by the Committee. A project plan had been implemented, and officers had been meeting regularly with Veolia to map out ‘beats’. Recruitment was currently underway. Keep Britian Tidy were independently monitoring the work and had been commissioned to undertake this on evenings and weekends. From 15th April 2024, all resources should be deployed.


Following a query on the responsibility of litter surrounding stations, it was confirmed that there were boundaries between the stations and the streets. Officers would meet and engage with Network Rail if there were issues regarding litter around stations.


RESOLVED – That the verbal report be received.