Agenda item

Port Health Brexit Readiness - Verbal Update

Interim Executive Director for Environment to be heard.


The Committee received a verbal update of the Interim Executive Director for Environment concerning Port Health Brexit Readiness.


The Committee heard that on 31st January 2024 pre-notification paperwork for importers had been introduced. From 30th April 2024, there would be physical, sampling, and identity checks on medium risk food and feed. There had been engagement with teams across the multiple ports to ensure the correct shift patterns and resourcing, and the process for recruiting and onboarding of new staff was underway. Defra had agreed a phased introduction of approximately 40 new officers. This was to cover the increased work in documentary checks. The increased work was matching the estimations made. There were regular meetings with Defra, other relevant government agencies, trade bodies, and individual importers to prepare for the implementation of the changes from 30th April. The Committee would be updated on the progress.


Following a query, the Committee heard that the City Corporation had the responsibility for the regulatory services at the ports. The port operators provided the facilities. The funding from Defra included staffing and equipment, and the income from the new border control regime would support full cost recovery in the future.


RESOLVED – That the verbal report be received.