Agenda item


To approve the Aldermanic nominations for appointments onto the City Corporation’s committees in 2024/2025.


The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk concerning nominations for the appointment of Aldermen on those City of London Corporation Committees on which they have reserved spaces for the civic year 2024/25 commencing on 25th April 2024.


The Deputy Chair reported that the appointments presented here for formal approval were the result of conversations with individual Aldermen. It was highlighted that there was one amendment proposed since the time of writing and that was that Alderman Alex Barr be appointed to the Gresham (City Side) Committee as opposed to Alderwoman & Sheriff Dame Susan Langley.


An Alderman queried the approach that should be taken where they might wish to stand for wider vacancies advertised to the full Court of Common Council for those Committees on which there were already a number of Aldermanic spaces reserved. The Town Clerk responded to state that, by convention, Aldermen did not seek to contest wider vacancies open to Common Councillors on these Committees. It was highlighted that there were also a number of Committees on which the Aldermen did not have reserved spots and that it was perfectly acceptable for them to contest vacancies on these alongside Common Council colleagues.


The Town Clerk clarified that details in terms of years of service should include those served as both Common Councillors and Aldermen where applicable and that figures here would be checked and verified ahead of featuring on the White Paper to be submitted to the Court of Common Council on 25th April 2024.


Resolved: - That the Aldermen:


i)       Approve the nominations set out in the report and authorise their submission to the Court of Common Council at its meeting on 27th April 2023, excluding the appointments to the Honourable Irish Society which will had been settled separately on 9th March 2023; and


ii)     Delegate authority to the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the General Purposes Committee of Aldermen to approve any necessary revisions to the list of appointments.


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