Agenda item

City & Hackney Public Health – Substance Misuse and Rough Sleeping

Executive Director of Community & Children’s Services to be heard. Presentation by City & Hackney Public Health.


The Sub Committee received a presentation from City & Hackney Public Health on Substance Misuse and Rough Sleeping.


A query was raised about the central government’s approach impact locally. Members were informed that there is a specific City of London Working Group with five strategic aims. A treatment grant is included in the public health budget, which is comparative to the size of the City.


In response to a question, Members were informed that the Rough Sleeping Drug and Alcohol Treatment Grant was researching the impacts of grant funding. Also, that Loughborough University was researching substance use spaces generally.


Members were informed that more accommodation space would be needed for a housing first provision. However, these provisions fluctuate with the national context and market forces.  


The Chair thanked City & Hackney Public Health for the presentation.


RESOLVED – That the presentation be noted.

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