Agenda item

Rough Sleeping Assessment Service Update Report

Report of the Executive Director of Community and Children’s Services.


The Sub Committee received a report of the Executive Director of Community and Children’s Services on the Rough Sleeping Assessment Centre Update.


A query was raised concerning the equalities implications and if the centre had undergone an impact assessment. Members were informed that an impact assessment was undertaken during the tender process. The assessment resulted in a lack of mobility accessibility due to the building and its location.


A member requested published communications that could be distributed to the public with information about the Centre. Members were informed that a press release is ready to go.


Concerns were raised about the provisional opening date of the centre and the likelihood of opening on time. Members were informed that the practical completion certificate had been granted and all is in place for the opening of 13 March barring any further external factors.


In response to a question, Members were informed that the service provider will be constantly reviewing the service and user feedback.


Members were reminded that this centre is just one option available to rough sleepers. This centre is for temporary and immediate housing before re-sheltering individuals to a more suitable long-term accommodation.


The Chair thanked all those involved in the project.


RESOLVED – That the Sub Committee note the update.

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