Agenda item

Non-Public Appendix in respect of SWEP Planning (Item 9)

Appendix to Report of the Executive Director, Community and Children’s Services.


The Sub Committee received a non-public appendix to the SWEP Planning Report and discussed its budget.


RESOLVED – That the Sub Committee:

1)      Note the report; and

2)     Recommend Option C to the Grand Committee. 


The Sub Committee received a non-public appendix to the SWEP Planning Report and discussed its budget.


In response to a question, Members were informed that SWEP is responsive to the weather. If shelters were always ready for SWEP, then accommodations and materials would be in reserve and not able to meet potential demand. Members were informed that Option C would allow for a supplier to operate another shelter.


Members discussed the potential of an additional space at total cost of ownership. This would allow for a general use space and could add a commercial element by making it available to other councils. However, this would be a long-term plan.


RESOLVED – That the Sub Committee:

1)      Note the report; and

2)     Recommend Option C to the Grand Committee.