Agenda item

CAI delegated authority proposal

Report of the Director of Innovation & Growth.


The Committee considered the report of the Director of Innovation & Growth.


Referencing paragraph 14d of the report, a Member sought to emphasise that the financial value element referenced urgency procedures.


A Member noted that financial risk should not be a vehicle for a rushed approval.


A Member commented on an apparently high number of decisions taken under Urgency procedures, commenting on whether that was best practice – noting that three applications had been through the Urgency procedure in the last year and that messaging around timeframes has been clarified.  


RESOLVED, That the Committee delegate authority on CAI applications that meet the agreed criteria (option 2, set out in paragraph 12 of the report) to the Town Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Committee (in line with standing order 41B) supported by the Chair of CAI, noting that any permanent public art applications, including blue plaques, would be subject to the current approval process.


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