Agenda item

The Honourable The Irish Society

(A)To appoint one Member on The Honourable The Irish Society for a term expiring in April 2027.

(No Contest)

Nominations received:-

*Deputy Charles Edward Lord


(B) To note that Alderman Robert Howard continues to serve as one of the two appointed Aldermen on The Honourable the Irish Society, having previously been appointed for a term expiring in March 2025.


(C) To note that Alderman Gregory Jones KC continues to serve as one of the two appointed Aldermen on The Honourable the Irish Society, having previously been appointed for a term expiring in March 2026.


(D) To note that Alderman Vincent Keaveny has been nominated by the Court of Aldermen to become Governor of The Honourable The Irish Society and endorse his appointment for a three-year term, expiring March 2027.