Agenda item

The Commons – Assistant Director’s Update – October-January 2024

Report of the Interim Executive Director, Environment.


The Committee received the Assistant Director’s update which summarised the activities across the Commons between October 2023 and January 2024.


During the discussion, the following points were noted:


The officer time being invested in volunteers is estimated at a ratio of 1-6, which is a good benchmark.


A report on land acquisitions would be presented to the May meeting.


a)         The possibility of reintroducing the ancient tree conference was being considered for 2025, noting that  the City was once a world leader in this area. 


b)         The Director agreed to investigate why numbers on trees do not correspond with the ancient tree form.   The Chairman noted the importance of a data strategy in resolving such queries.


c)         The Deputy Chairman suggested that it might be helpful for the Committee to receive a presentation on apprenticeships, noting how well supported they are at the City of London Corporation.   Apprentices work across all departments which impact on the natural environment, providing a  wide breadth of experience.


d)         The cattle grid had been delayed slightly, with completion expected by the end of April/early May.  The Chairman expressed concern at the reputational risk concerning this issue and the officer gave assurance that the local community had been fully briefed.


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