Report of the Interim Executive Director, Environment.
The Committee considered a report of the Interim Executive Director, Environment, which sought to provide the Epping Forest and Commons Committee with assurance that risk management procedures in place within the Environment Department are satisfactory and that they meet the requirements of the Corporate Risk Management Framework and the Charities Act 2011. The report noted that risk are reviewed regularly as part of the ongoing management of operations.
During the discussion, the following points were noted:
a) The Chief Officers’ Risk Management Group (CORMG) had agreed to escalate the hazardous trees risk to the Corporate Risk Register.
b) The officer agreed to provide an update on a forthcoming meeting with the utility company in respect of the M25 closure.
c) The Executive Director stressed that the risk register and action plans (for each risk) inform the priorities for utilising funding. Cause of risk is stated within each register and the Executive Director agreed to review the accuracy and identify any common denominators.
d) An action had been added under ‘Declining Condition of Assets Risk’ and the Chairman suggested that this might benefit from a deep dive. The Chairman asked about the impact of new funding from the cyclical works programme on reducing the declining condition of assets risk and the Executive Director agreed to review this.
e) The Committee had regularly raised concerns at the current risks score for recruitment of suitable staff and workforce planning, noting that Epping Forest has held a 40% vacancy rate for almost 3 years, and the inability to make rapid progress due to the lack of managers to perform recruitment activity, lack of HR support and an inability to attract suitable candidates from market. The Executive Director agreed to review this. Support was being given to officers supporting vacant posts and the Director agreed to look at the Superintendent’s additional work load.
f) Whilst Warren House is not listed as ‘Heritage at Risk’ by Historic England, the Chairman expressed concern as to its condition. The Director agreed to look at how it is reflected in the register and advised that architect’s reports and surveys are ready; once a business plan had been established.
g) The Executive Director and Director agreed to look at where governance could be placed in the register.
h) The Chairman suggested that the Risk Register be explored further at the forthcoming Awayday, in terms of both land ownership and future decision making/alignment with the Local Plan.
RESOLVED, that - Members of the Epping Forest and Commons Committee, acting for the City Corporation as Trustees to the five Registered Charities: ie - Epping Forest (charity number 232990), Ashtead Common (charity number 1051510), Burnham Beeches (charity number 232987), Coulsdon and Other Commons (charity number 232989) and West Wickham and Spring Park (charity number 232988) confirm that the risk registers appended to this report satisfactorily record the key risks to each of the five charities and that appropriate systems are in place to identify and mitigate risks.
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