Agenda item

City Corporation Equality Objectives - 2024-2029

Report of the Chief Stratgey Officer.


The Committee received a report of the Chief Strategy Officer, concerning the approval to publish the updated Equality Objectives to meet the City Corporation’s responsibilities under the Public Sector Equality Duty.


RESOLVED – That Members:

·       Endorse the revised Equality Objectives to enable their publication (on our website and intranet) in March 2024, thereby fulfilling our responsibility under the Public Sector Equality Duty.

·       Note the Equality Objectives (2024-2029) will cover a five-year period to coincide with the Corporation Plan and People Strategy. However, there will be a review in 2028 to comply with the duty of publishing every four years.

·       Note that activity to develop relevant equity, equality, diversity, and inclusion (EEDI) datasets for the Objectives is required to develop robust performance metrics.

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