Agenda item

Tackling Racism Taskforce Update

Report of the Chief Strategy Officer.


The Committee received a report of the Chief Strategy Officer, concerning an update on the recommendations of the Tackling Racism Taskforce (TRT) and to close the recommendations that were outstanding. The other recommendations had either been completed, were ‘business as usual’, or had been integrated into work across the City Corporation to tackle racism and advance race equality.


A concern was raised on those objectives which had not yet been met, and uncertainty on whether the ‘business as usual’ would not meet the aims of the TRT. The response was that at the highest level, the Corporate Plan had EEDI targets including race equality, the progress of which would be published annually. These would also reference the TRT’s recommendations. The People Strategy had targeted projects within its programmatic structure. The Committee would be sighted on its activities at a future meeting. With regards to the work with schools, this was owned by the Executive Director of Community and Children’s Services, recognising that this was broader than COLAT, but the officer would be the single point of contact.


Members raised that they were concerned of accountability during the transitional period, and if there could be any work to address this during this period. Officers would report back on this at the next Committee meeting.


RESOLVED – That Members endorse the recommendation to close the TRT as a discreet activity as all recommendations have been completed or progressed by departments as part of wider activities to advance race equality.


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