Agenda item

Diversity Calendar 2024-2025

Report of the Chief Strategy Officer.


The Committee received a report of the Chief Strategy Officer, concerning a Diversity Calendar 2024-2025, an internal resource highlighting significant dates, facilitating awareness, understanding, and planning around team members’ specific needs and special occasions.


A Member queried how the City Corporation determined which occasions to celebrate. The response was that some events were the responsibility of the Civic Affairs Sub-Committee under its annual calendar, which had some staff training budgets. The action now was to look at where there were gaps, and to clarify the source of funding, but noting that the Civic Affairs Sub-Committee were aiming to have a strategic overview approach to events. It was noted that a representation would be made to the Civic Affairs Sub-Committee in relation to Easter.


The Committee noted that there was an officer working group which had an action to look at events, including attendance, criteria, purpose, and outcomes. The Civic Affairs Sub-Committee would be made aware of this officer working group at its next meeting.


It was further noted that duplication should be avoided with events held by staff networks. The Committee heard that a staff Social Mobility Network would formally launch in June 2024.


RESOLVED – That the report be received, and its contents noted.


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