Agenda item

Directors Report

Report of the Interim Executive Director, Environment.

(Item is to be read in conjunction with the non-public appendix at item 19)


The Committee received the Director’s report and noted the following data on annual benefits:


Epping Forest and buffer lands (£)

Recreation 35.7 million

Health 17.4 million

Air quality 6.1 million


Commons (£)

Carbon sequestration 4.6 million

Natural Capital Report Annual Benefits Recreation 5.8 million.

Health 2.7 million

Air Quality 1.73 million

Carbon 1.12 million.


During the discussion, the following points were noted:


a)         Monetary values for carbon credits are calculated by consultants using standard formula and SSSI status forms part of the biodiversity calculation.   Members were invited to share their views on how best to use the results of the audit, which would take place every two years.


b)         The team would be looking at further opportunities, such as biodiversity credits, Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and more general funding applications to trusts and foundations, and the resulting action plan would be presented to the Committee. 


c)         A new landing page for the Epping Forest and Commons Committee was being developed and this was welcomed, given the vast number of documents relevant to this Committee.


d)         The Executive Director, Chairman and Deputy Chairman thanked officers for the excellent report and media plan, noting the large amount of publicity generated and the international coverage achieved.


RESOLVED, that – the report be noted.


Supporting documents: