Agenda item



Apologies were received from Brendan Barns, Mary Durcan, Judith Pleasance, Ian Seaton and Shailendra Umradia.


At Mary Durcan’s request the following statement was read out by the Town Clerk.


“I participated in a meeting of Policy and Resources in 2022 where an item about the London Wall development was on the agenda. I was not at that time a member of the Planning & Transportation Committee. Therefore, there was no reason to recuse myself because at that stage there was no conflict of interest. It was only on the resignation of a Member of my Ward from the Court of Common Council that I took the Ward place on the Planning & Transportation Committee. Since becoming a Member of this Committee I have correctly recused myself from all discussion about the London Wall site and the planning application at Policy and Resources and all other committees. However, to avoid any misunderstanding I have decided not to participate in today’s Planning Applications Sub-Committee meeting and the decision on London Wall following advice from the City Solicitor.”


The Town Clerk stated that the membership of the Sub-Committee had changed since the agenda was published, with Deputy Brian Mooney being reappointed in place of Alderman Alastair King. She also stated that there were a number of new Members on the Sub-Committee since it last met, namely Deputy Anne Corbett, Steve Goodman and Deputy Dawn Wright. The Town Clerk confirmed that they had all received the necessary training to enable them to take part in the consideration of planning applications.


The Town Clerk stated that the Chief Commoner was in attendance.