Agenda item

Portsoken Pavilion, 1 Aldgate Square – Reasons for Refusal

Report of the Chief Planning Officer and Development Director and Comptroller and City Solicitor.



The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Chief Planning Officer and Development Director and the Comptroller and City Solicitor recommending reasons for refusal to reflect the views of the Sub-Committee in resolving, at the meeting of 13 February 2024, that it would refuse the application for planning permission under application ref: 23/00255/FULL for Portsoken Pavilion, 1 Aldgate Square London EC3N 1AF. The Sub-Committee was advised that only Members that were present at the Sub-Committee meeting on 13 February, at which the application was considered, could consider and agree the recommendation proposed (reasons for refusal). The Deputy Chairman, in the Chair, introduced the item and invited comment from Members.


In response to questions from Members, the Chief Planning Officer and Development Director, hioghlighted references within the reasons for refusal to the change of use for the proposed drinking establishment, which diverged from the original application, and the site’s proximity to The Aldgate School and other local impact. The Deputy Chairman, in the Chair, then drew the Sub-Committee’s attention to the recommendations, which were agreed.


RESOLVED – That the Planning Applications Sub-Committee agree that the Decision Letter includes the reasons for refusal as follows:


1.    By reason of its location within the public open space of Aldgate Square, adjacent to the east entrance of the Aldgate School and west side of St. Botolph’s Church Aldgate, the operation of the proposed drinking establishment (Sui generis) use, and the associated spilling out of customers, has a detrimental impact on the amenity and character of the public open space, contrary to Local Plan Policy DM3.5 (Night-time entertainment) and Draft Local Plan Policy CV4 (Evening and Night-Time Economy).

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