Agenda item

Apprenticeship Academy update

To note the report of the CEO.

Please note that the Steering Committee report is non-public.


The Board received the report of the CEO of CoLAT, noting in particular the interest in more sustained support in the form of a three-year CoL grant, the ultimate aim being for the Trust to handle the funding itself when the target of 12 schools is achieved (expected by 2027). The Trust’s Chair and CEO thanked the City of London Corporation (CoLC) for its support of the Apprenticeship Academy, noting also that more placements from the CoLC would be welcome. The meeting heard that recent CoLC appointments had been made that would facilitate the apprenticeship placement process.


In response to a question on the placement numbers required, the Board heard that the requirement was for one day per week during the student’s time at the Apprenticeship Academy (currently 15 students), noting that students performed well during placements.    


The meeting heard that a story in The Daily Mirror in early April 2024 had featured two Y6 students from Galleywall Primary school who had been admitted to City of London School following a successful entrance exam, noting similar success stories from Redriff school (also two students).     



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